Sunday, April 17, 2011

Have you heard the story about the Armchair Activist?

I'm not sure what triggered it, but the phrase Armchair Activist has been buzzing in my head all weekend. Maybe it's our current political unrest. Every other news story seems to be about another politician making a major gaffe or attempting to enact an insane law... and then the commentary begins. There is such division in opinion betweent the population when for the most part (if you listen close enough) we're all really asking for the same thing.

I am a listener. I love a good story, I love hearing how someone made it through a challenge and how that has changed them.
What really gets to me though are the intensity of comments from what I consider Armchair Activist- a lot of talk and no action.

If you have survived or accomplished any of the following, pull up a chair and spin me a yarn. I want to know YOUR opinion of how and why things need to change.

If you (or your spouse) have ever...
1) staged or participated in any type of protest or rally.
2) attended and or spoken at a city council or town hall meeting.
3) chosen as a career or volunteered as a firefighter, police officer, or EMT.
4) chosen a career as a teacher or volunteered on a regular basis at your local school.
5) been part of a PTA, volunteered at an animal shelter, worked in a nursing home, donated blood regularly, or worked with such groups as United Way or Habitat for Humanity.
6) owned or managed a small business and navigated the complicated tax and employment laws.
7) served in any branch of the miltary.
8) been employed by or volunteered to work for the government.
9) run for and/or served in any government office.
10) fought for better treatment of a family member's injury or illness.
11) taught your child at home because the current education system is not equipped to assist them in achieving their potential.
12) volunteered with a support group organization to better serve and educate the public.

Now, since I can claim participation in all but 2 of these activities, I will share my opinion just this once.

We are blessed to live in a free country, to believe and preach as we wish. We are blessed to have a great number of our population willing to sacrifice their time and energy to make our world a better place. We are blessed to live in a time of connection and convenience.

Our system is broken, too many (but not all or even most) of our politicians are corrupt. Too often decisions made by our leaders are based on personal preferance rather than what is truly best for the public. Projects are short sighted and underfunded, red tape is thicker than many can ever cut through, and support for those in need has become far too corrupted with monies syphoned to those much less deserving and projects much less useful.

My request to all is that you stand up, stretch your legs, and take a step away from your armchair. There's a big world out there waiting for your help.


  1. you make me laugh. Well said. I'm all -2 as well. Agree. Enough talking; action must back it up.

  2. thanks David! Now I'm curious which 2 you haven't done, lol.

  3. # 7 and #9--at least until this fall.

  4. Numbers 7 and 9. At least until this fall.

  5. very cool, mine are 3 & 9.
