Thursday, May 26, 2011

Have you heard the story about my sister Alicia?

My little sister Alicia's birthday was last week putting her at the front of my thoughts until I had to put in words all that's been swirling in my mind. She would have been twenty six years old but instead, due to uncooperative organs, she never saw her second birthday.

I've often struggled with how to reference her, especially in situations where people have known my family for a long time but have never known of her. Counting Alicia I have five sisters. I feel sorry for those who never got to know her.

A friend recently shared this story which was so incredibly painful for me to read. It's the story of a little boy who had a near death experience and met the sister his parents had miscarried before his birth.

This story has stirred up memories and reminded me that my little sis is never far away.

A Sister’s Song

Has it really been so long since I held you in my arms?
The years of agony and grief at not protecting you from harm.
In my childish unknowing I blamed myself for so long,
How could I understand at such an age it was God’s plan to bring you home.

Hallelujah, for His plan
To join families forever, offer mercy to each man.
Hallelujah, for His word
To share forgiveness with his people.
Offer praises to the Lord.

I can see you just as clearly as if you were standing next to me.
The beautiful young woman I knew you’d grow to be.
With Marcia’s long dark curls and Mary’s big blue eyes,
Angie’s freckles and ambition and Drew’s mischievous smile.
I see Mom’s grace, Evan’s chuckle, and Dad’s quiet reserve,
And I like to think in Heaven you and I once sang a verse

Hallelujah, for His plan
To join families forever, offer mercy to each man.
Hallelujah, for His word
To share forgiveness with his people.
Offer praises to the Lord.

Although they don’t remember, I know you hugged our brothers
Before sending them off into this world.
And I’m sure I’ve heard your giggles playing with my little girl.
I bet you’re spending time with grandpa, so quick to join you there,
The two of you in Heaven must make quite an entertaining pair.

Someday I know we’ll meet again,
I hope I don’t disappoint you before then.
I’ll try to live in such a way
That you’ll be proud of my example every day.
Until we meet again I’ll sing

Hallelujah, for His plan
To join families forever, offer mercy to each man.
Hallelujah, for His word
To share forgiveness with his people.
Offer praises to the Lord.

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