Sunday, April 13, 2008

It's Gone

The last 10 days was pretty harsh. My oldest turned 13! I can't believe I have a teenager! To make things worse, I was crazy enough to measure him.... 5'7"! Only 2 inches shorter than me. I'm certain he'll outgrow me by Christmas. My only wish is that he would mature as fast as he's growing. It's so hard to watch my tall gangly son act like a sugar wired 8 year old.

The second difficult thing was that I found out Tuesday that the company hosting my domain sold it to someone else. My website, my name, is gone. Five hard years of work to make it just what I wanted, making it profitable, spreading my name on the web, all of it is worthless. My domain name was my business name. All my business cards are null and void, the stickers on the windows of my van... are all advertising for someone else now. Chelbi's Creations is no longer mine.
So in the spirit of change I have started over. Streamlined, simplified, clarified. I have begun again with Chel Design. Talking with the hubby though, there is a very real chance I will be switching this all out again in the next month or so. We have been throwing around a business name practically since we were married, but never could make it fit anything. I think we've finally come to a place where our two creative talents have almost merged. Mine being the creative design of interiors, clothing, & logos and his being the creative design of portfolios, graphic flyers, & advertisements. We'll see where this next adventure leads.

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