Friday, January 01, 2010

Fresh Start

Here I am again at the beginning of a new year thinking of all that has happened in the last twelve months and wondering if I dare think ahead to the next twelve. It's been a bumpy ride recently, but I have hope that the tracks of this roller coaster are leveling out. I'm not naive enough to expect calm, just a little less excitement.

Amongst the turmoil of 2009 there have been a few bright spots I have to acknowledge. First, our new home and new church family have been a great improvement for my entire family. I have noticed that I've become less open to change recently, which made these transitions much harder for me than anyone else, yet I have seen my kids make great improvements since our move. Our new ward family has been a wonderful support to my boys and was more prepared than I could ever expect to help them feel accepted. What wonderful friends they've already made!

Secondly, although there will likely always be some medical mystery surrounding Alex, I have been overwhelmed by the realization that a new medicine he's on is working. For the first time in eleven years my son stopped coughing, twitching, stretching, and convulsively laughing at random. It's been amazing to see him as the young man he really is without all his Tourette's tics. I am very grateful for this blessing.

Now on to the obligatory New Year's resolutions. We'll get the obvious out the way first... my health/weight is a priority goal for the year. Nothing extreme, but losing a dress size (or 3) is top of the list and I know that a big part of that is going to mean a change in my diet. I'm going to drag Alex along with me on this journey as we try to find ways to make the few foods we aren't allergic to seem more appetizing than they really are. I also plan to put my Wii fit to better use! There's probably a reason I still have a house with stairs as well.

#2: to take more time for me by scheduling it in.

#3: to make a difference in someone's life whenever the opportunity is presented.
Number four is to limit the stress, both for myself and for my family.

#4: to be stronger than I think I am and stand taller for what I believe.

#5: to stress less and let go what I can't change.

Okay, I've shared mine, now it's your turn. Tell me how you plan to make 2010 a better year for you.

1 comment:

  1. My mom frequently reminds me to schedule time for myself. Brian is always telling me to stop scheduling every minute of the day. (If I can fit it in, I will!) I am also trying to lose a few pounds, mostly tone though. (P90X, oh how I have neglected thee!) I am trying to be a more loving and fun mother. Why do I say "no" to so many things, especially when I don't have a good reason? Life is to be enjoyed and lived!
