Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Have you heard the story about...

my Spencer? He's quite the funny man, non-stop action, lover of all things meat, and a serious cheeser at picture time. Unless he's sick. Only then does he come to a screeching halt, tonight the emphasis was on screeching.
Spence has been sick for several days now, fighting a bug that's rounded the extended family since Christmas. Most of us had an upset stomach or sinus issues for a few days but, like all who live under my roof, Spencer likes to go all out sometimes. He awoke with a tummy ache at 3am on new year's day, ran a fever for 3 days, and has been glued to his bed or the couch since.
It's so odd not having him moving all over, my little man of action. There are two signs that Spencer is sick: he stops moving and he starts watching Discovery channel. Now I love history and learning about the planet probably a little more than most people, but I will admit that I may scream if I have to watch another show about dinosaurs, the Great Lakes, or survival training in the next 48 hours. Which brings me back to the screeching.
A little before six tonight (after having spent the whole day at school) Spencer suddenly started wailing. I don't think I've ever heard this sound from anyone over nine months old that wasn't giving birth! And then he finally threw up. I could share details, but I'll refrain.
Fifteen minutes later he was out cold, cuddled up in my lap. He spent the next hour and a half asleep on the couch as everyone else kindly tip-toed around doing their bedtime routines. At exactly 8pm he sat up, twinkle in his eye, and asked what time it was. Gotta love the rejuvenating powers of a good power nap! He seems to have made a full recovery, even asking for food.
I'm reminded though of another flu battle, one my friend Melissa I'm sure will recall as well. I was six months pregnant with Spencer, Doug's Navy ship was due to return and I (as Command Ombudsman) was responsible for calling all the wives to tell them which flight their husbands were on. Of course this was also the week I and my older 2 boys were very sick with the flu. Melissa was kind enough to come to my house to assist with the calls. We spent an entire day taking turns throwing up, calling people, and hosing down which ever child had also just thrown up. That was a true test of friendship. It's only the best of friends that will share a room with you and your pukey kids! Thanks Missy!

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